Course Syllabus

Please use the links below to jump to different sections on the same page.

Course Description and Prerequisites | Course Objectives | Course Requisite Technical Skills | Time Expectation | Textbooks and Materials | Course Grading | Course Policies | Student Rights & Responsibilities | Overview of Assignments | Taking Proctored Assessments | Your Email Account | Student Resources | Technical SupportAccommodation Policy and Statements | NOVA Online Policies and Procedures | Course Summary (Assignment Schedule and Critical Dates)

Course Title: BIO 165 - Principles in Regulatory and Quality Environments for Biotechnology (2 credits)


Contact Information: 


Print Syllabus: You may use the Print feature of your browser to print out the syllabus or save it as a PDF document.

Course Prerequisites and Description


Course Objectives


Time Expectation


Course Requisite Technical Skills

In order to succeed in this online course, you must be comfortable working with technology. At a minimum, you must possess the following technical skills:

  • Ability to use the Internet in an effective and efficient manner, including installation and management of browser plug-ins and add-ons.
  • Basic knowledge about the operation of a computer, file management, and software installation.
  • Working knowledge of the Canvas learning management system.
  • Ability to proficiently search the web for information
  • Ability to download and print information from websites
  • Ability to download, view, and/or print PDF files
  • Ability to use Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, etc.)


Textbooks and Materials

Acquiring Textbooks and Course Materials


Course Grading


Course Policies

Attendance Policy


Discussion Policy


Communication Policy


Late Work Policy


Assignment Submission


Plagiarism Policy


Use of Generative AI 

Generative AI is a form of AI that can create something new based on the data it is trained on. Because of that, it could be wrong sometimes. You are encouraged to use it responsibly in the course, which means you can use it to find facts quickly, but you must verify the information. Please note AI is not a source of acceptable opinions in this course. You can use AI to find references to justify an opinion, but your opinion is yours alone and cannot be AI-generated. If you use an AI tool in your coursework, you must provide in-text citations and add them to the reference list. Please refer to the examples in the following article. All your coursework may be turned into Turnitin to check for authenticity, including the discussion posts.

McAdoo, T. (2023, April 7). How to cite ChaptGPTAPA Style Blog

Grading Turnaround Time

All completed assignments will be graded no later than seven days from the submission date, and sooner when possible.


Withdraw from the Course


Student Rights & Responsibilities


Overview of Assignments


Taking Proctored Assessments


Your Email Account


Student Resources


Technical Support

For technical assistance, please visit the NOVA Online IT Support website for contact information and support resources.


Accommodation Policy and Statements


NOVA Online Policies and Procedures


Course Summary:

Date Details Due