Course Syllabus

A syllabus provides you with an overview of the course operation and policies. The following sections should answer most of your basic questions and serve as a guide to the course.  However, you should consider this entire Canvas site as your course syllabus. This Canvas site is your classroom and contains all the information your need to be successful in the course.  Please read through the following sections before you start any of your course work and comeback to refer to them as needed.

Instructor Contact Course Overview Textbooks/Materials Grading/Withdrawals Exams/Passes
E-Mail Policy College Policies ASSIGNMENTS NOVA-On-Line HELP

The following section is a summary of the course graded assignments and due dates: 

A word about due dates. The assignment due date for this course is generally MONDAY at NOON. Pay attention to due dates and read the late assignment policy. Late work for group assignments (including discussion forums) is not accepted. Other work may be submitted late for a limited extension period not to exceed one week.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due